Today's blog post is dedicated to trying to keep up with your New Year's resolutions!
I didn't see too many posts on social media this year about, "New Year, New Me." I decided that I would continue trying to practice last year's resolution which was to be a healthier me. So, this year I promised myself that I will continue to try to drink more water than I had been drinking and to work out at a minimum of 30 minutes three days a week. I am trying to keep up with that and so far this week I've gotten back into the swing of things. I've absolutely noticed a number of new people at the gym, but what's new? Instead of complaining about the amount of time I have to wait for a workout equipment- I'm actually glad that some people have made goals and working towards those. Before each year ends my husband and I get together and complete a list of goals for the upcoming year. They're are seven categories we use: personal, physical, financial, spiritual ,intellectual, family and career. Another thing we do is go back over that current year's goals that we've personally set and check off the items we were actually able to complete. Lastly, we reassess the goals that we were close to completing but didn't and decide whether not we want to push those off to the next year or come up with something completely new altogether. 2015 was an amazing year for my family and I am looking forward to what 2016 brings. I pray this year for you is an amazing one filled with all the blessings you deserve and all the wisdom you continually pray for. I hope that the tips that we shared with you in this blog post help you set goals for this year and work towards achieving those. So please share with me what new things you are planning on doing this year resolution-wise and if this blog post was helpful. Latoya